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Homebox is an exceptional software that leverages the power of Ansible scripts to make the deployment of an all-inclusive mail server on Debian a hassle-free experience. It's built with simplicity and efficiency in mind, providing even novice users the ability to set up and manage their own mail servers with minimum technical hassle.

GitHub - progmaticltd/homebox: A set of ansible scripts to build a personal mail server / private cloud / etc.
A set of ansible scripts to build a personal mail server / private cloud / etc. - GitHub - progmaticltd/homebox: A set of ansible scripts to build a personal mail server / private cloud / etc.


Among its key features, Homebox flaunts its robustness and adaptability. The suite comes with a plethora of scripts that cater to numerous use-cases, thereby ensuring that all your needs are met. Whether you're looking to set up a personal mail server or manage one for your organization, Homebox has you covered.

Furthermore, its integration with Debian delivers a seamless user experience. The software takes advantage of Debian's stability and vast repository to provide maximum functionality and reliability. In addition, as it is built on open-source principles, Homebox encourages community contributions and ensures regular updates for an ever-evolving suite.

With 388 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-05-04 the project looks stale.