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LibreX is an innovative meta search engine that is designed to respect user privacy at its core. Built on a robust and lightweight framework, it operates without relying on JavaScript, enabling smooth and efficient searches while reducing the risk of tracking or data collection.

GitHub - hnhx/librex: Framework and javascript free privacy respecting meta search engine
Framework and javascript free privacy respecting meta search engine - GitHub - hnhx/librex: Framework and javascript free privacy respecting meta search engine


Key features of LibreX include its commitment to privacy and transparency. Unlike many search engines that collect and store user data, LibreX pledges not to do so. This commitment extends beyond just word; the platform operates without the use of JavaScript, significantly reducing potential tracking or data collection risks.

LibreX's framework offers an additional layer of security for your online activities. Without compromising speed or performance, this unique design allows for swift searches while minimally impacting system resources. Furthermore, as a meta search engine, LibreX simultaneously queries multiple databases and sources to provide comprehensive results in real-time. All these features contribute to making LibreX not only an efficient search tool but also a trusted ally in preserving your online privacy.

With 655 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-06-24 the project looks healthy.