- 1 min read

Motor Admin

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Motor Admin serves as a comprehensive admin panel and business intelligence tool without the complexities of coding. It is designed for flexibility where users can perform a host of data-related tasks in a breeze.

Motor Admin | No-Code Admin Panel
Stop developing your admin panel and focus on growing the actual product. The fastest and easiest way to bootstrap internal tools for your business. An open source no-code admin panel to manage your data, perform custom actions, build reports and dashboards.


The software stands out with its capability to handle data entries seamlessly. Users can search for specific information, create new entries, update existing ones or remove them as needed. This feature makes it an ideal solution for maintaining tidy databases.

Another essential feature of Motor Admin is custom actions implementation. Users are empowered to define and carry out unique tasks that cater to their specific objectives. Plus, its robust reporting feature allows for the generation of detailed reports which provide useful insights into your operations. All these strengths combine to make Motor Admin an indispensable asset for businesses looking to simplify their administrative workflow.

With 1649 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-02 the project looks healthy.