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# osTicket - Streamlining Support Ticket Management

osTicket | Support Ticketing System


osTicket is a renowned open-source support ticket system. This platform offers a seamless way for businesses to manage enquiries that come from different sources such as emails, phone calls, and web-based forms. By unifying these interactions into a user-friendly web interface, osTicket ensures all your support requests and responses are organized and easily accessible in one place. Not only does this system enhance your team's efficiency, but it also promotes accountability and prompt responsiveness to customers.

The software comes with numerous features designed to enhance your customer service delivery. A key feature is the Dashboard Reports which allows for real-time tracking of all support tickets. Next up is the Configurable Help Topics feature offering customization of help topics based on your specific needs.

Other prominent features include the Customer Support Portal which facilitates communication between you and your customers, Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for managing expectations in terms of service delivery time frames, Ticket Filters for easy organization of tickets based on defined criteria, among other dynamic features.

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