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reciphpes! stands as an easy-to-use yet powerful recipe indexing solution based on the robust Symfony framework. It utilizes a SQLite database to store recipes and is designed to be lightweight, making it a perfect choice for users of all technical levels looking for an efficient way to index their favorite recipes.

GitHub - nanawel/reciphpes: Simple recipes management system on Symfony and SQLite
Simple recipes management system on Symfony and SQLite - GitHub - nanawel/reciphpes: Simple recipes management system on Symfony and SQLite


In the realm of its key features, reciphpes! boasts an inclusive search function, enabling users to effortlessly locate recipes from their collection. Moreover, the software supports tags which allows for improved organization and easy categorization of recipes. This tagging feature can be extremely useful when dealing with a large number of recipes.

Furthermore, being built on the Symfony framework means that reciphpes! has a solid architectural foundation which ensures high performance. The use of SQLite database enhances this performance whilst also ensuring data reliability and security. Its lightweight nature does not compromise its functionality or power, making reciphpes! a comprehensive solution for recipe indexing.

With 8 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2022-11-27 the project looks stale.