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REDAXO is a user-friendly content management system (CMS) that stands out due to its flexibility and practicality. Primarily aimed towards those who seek a CMS that can be effortlessly tailored to suit their specific needs, REDAXO encompasses an array of features that can transform the way you manage your digital content.

REDAXO - Content Management System [CMS] - Kostenlos - Frei - PHP - MySQL - Open-Source | Simple To Use | home / REDAXO Website
Einfach, flexibel, sinnvoll. REDAXO vereint hohe Flexibilität mit einfacher Handhabung für sinnvolle Nutzung. Es eignet sich sowohl für kleinere Auftritte als auch für große und komplexe Internetportale.


One of the key features of REDAXO is its simple operation. Even without extensive technical knowledge, users can easily navigate through the system and manage their content effectively. Its clear structure and intuitive user interface make it accessible for beginners whilst still offering complex functionalities for more advanced users.

Another notable characteristic of REDAXO is its exceptional flexibility. This CMS allows users to personalize their experience by customizing individual templates or using modules to expand functionality. It also offers great versatility in terms of content layout and design, providing users with total control over how their content is displayed.

Please note that currently, comprehensive documentation for REDAXO is available only in German. However, this doesn't limit its usability or performance as the platform's user interface is quite intuitive and easy to understand.

With 307 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-31 the project looks healthy.