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Tracim is an all-in-one collaboration tool that brings together a plethora of features to foster efficient team collaboration. It combines a wide array of tools and functionalities such as file sharing, managing threaded discussions, making notes, and scheduling agendas, among others. The software's primary aim is to streamline teamwork by providing one central location where all collaboration can occur.

GitHub - tracim/tracim: Threads, files and pages with status and full history. All in the same place.
Threads, files and pages with status and full history. All in the same place. - GitHub - tracim/tracim: Threads, files and pages with status and full history. All in the same place.


Key features include its innovative file sharing capabilities allowing users to easily share and access files in one integrated platform. This vital feature enhances the management of shared resources and improves efficiency in work processes. Tracim also boasts of a threaded discussion feature which promotes clear communication within teams by keeping such discussions organized.

Furthermore, Tracim supports note-taking to ensure that important points from meetings or brainstorming sessions are not lost. Its robust agenda management feature allows teams to keep track of tasks and deadlines with ease. All these capabilities are seamlessly integrated into the Tracim platform making it the ultimate solution for team collaboration.

With 191 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-27 the project looks healthy.