- 2 min read


Explore VictoriaMetrics for efficient time series data management, with high-performance, Prometheus integration, and Kubernetes support.

Overview: VictoriaMetrics is an advanced open-source time series database and monitoring solution designed for simplicity, reliability, and scalability. It enables organizations to efficiently store, manage, and query vast amounts of metric data with ease.

VictoriaMetrics: Simple & Reliable Monitoring for Everyone
Incredibly fast time series database and easy-to-use high performance monitoring solutions simple and reliable for everyone. VictoriaMetrics Database Solutions.Incredibly fast time series database and easy-to-use high performance monitoring solutions simple and reliable for everyone. VictoriaMetrics Database Solutions.

Key Features

  • High Performance: Handles millions of metrics per second with high ingestion rates and fast query performance.
  • Efficient Storage: Utilizes innovative compression algorithms to store significantly more data within the same storage capacity.
  • Operational Simplicity: Offers a single binary deployment with defaults out of the box for alerts and dashboards.
  • Scalability: Scales vertically and horizontally across single instances or clusters to accommodate growing data demands.
  • Prometheus Integration: Acts as long-term storage for Prometheus metrics while maintaining compatibility with popular data ingestion protocols.
  • Multitenancy Support: Provides namespace isolation for managing data in large or rapidly growing environments.
  • Kubernetes Ready: Features a Kubernetes operator for automated provisioning, scaling, and management of instances.
  • Comprehensive Tooling: Includes tools like vmagent for metric collection and vmbackup/vmrestore for data snapshots and recovery.
  • Diverse Protocol Support: Accepts metrics in various formats including InfluxDB, Graphite, OpenTSDB, CSV, and Prometheus.
  • Built-in Alerting: Comes with pre-configured alert rules to monitor the health of VictoriaMetrics installations.

VictoriaMetrics Screenshots

Suggested Developer Use Cases

  • Data Aggregation Hub: Low-code developers can utilize VictoriaMetrics as a central repository for aggregating metrics from various sources within an organization's IT infrastructure.
  • IOT Monitoring Platform: By integrating with IoT platforms, developers can use VictoriaMetrics for real-time monitoring of sensor data across distributed devices.
  • Anomaly Detection Systems: With its high ingestion rate and query performance, VictoriaMetrics can serve as the backend for anomaly detection tools that require processing large time-series datasets quickly.
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