Ampache is a versatile web-based application designed for streaming audio and video files, effectively serving as a tool for managing your media files. The unique feature of Ampache is its accessibility, allowing you to reach your music and videos from anywhere, using any device with internet capabilities.

The primary strength of Ampache lies in its ability to extract accurate metadata from the embedded tags in your files, or alternatively, the file name. However, it's important to note that Ampache doesn't function as a media organiser. Instead, it's a platform that presents an already organised collection in a user-friendly manner. It operates on the assumption that users are capable of managing their files effectively and choosing an appropriate method of doing so.
Ampache comes with many features aimed at enhancing user experience. You can browse and manage your music collection through an easy-to-use web interface which allows local and remote catalogs to synchronize into one consistent collection. With Ampache, you can stream music directly to your preferred player with HTML5 player or control it using Localplay right on the webpage. It's Free and Open Source since 2001 under AGPLv3 license which means users can get involved and take control according to their needs. One of the most appealing aspects of Ampache is its universality – whether you're on your phone, tablet or television; at home, work or vacation; you can enjoy your favourite music using any compatible client.