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Drupal Commerce

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`Drupal Commerce` is a highly-regarded e-commerce module specifically designed for the versatile Drupal Content Management System (CMS). It seamlessly integrates with Drupal, extending its functionality to allow comprehensive e-commerce solutions. With a broad range of supported payment, shipping and shopping modules, it has proven to be an indispensable tool for businesses across the globe.

Drupal Commerce


This software's key features include its extensive support for multiple payment modes. This flexibility allows businesses to cater to a diverse customer base, making transactions easier and more convenient. A variety of popular payment gateways are readily available in this module.

In addition to payment options, `Drupal Commerce` also provides robust shipping management options. These enable businesses to manage and streamline their shipping processes efficiently. Furthermore, the software hosts a suite of shopping related modules that contribute significantly to enhancing the user's online shopping experience.

Finally, what sets `Drupal Commerce` apart is its seamless integration with Drupal CMS. This allows businesses to leverage the powerful content management capabilities of Drupal alongside their e-commerce activities. In essence, `Drupal Commerce` provides an all-in-one solution for managing online commerce activities on the backbone of a strong CMS platform.

With no link to a GitHub repository in our database, it is hard to estimate the project viability. Here is a link to another repository: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/commerce