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hitobito delivers an innovative solution for managing and organizing complex group hierarchies meticulously. This web-based tool not only allows you to keep track of your organization's members and events but also provides an assortment of additional features that simplifies administrative tasks. Suitable for any organization type or size, hitobito helps in streamlining the workflow while enhancing productivity.

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The software is equipped with powerful features such as event management tools that help in scheduling, planning and executing events seamlessly. Additionally, it enables the administrators to keep track of member activities and their association within various groups. This feature facilitates a better understanding of the organizational structure and improves decision-making processes.

Furthermore, hitobito's design emphasizes user-friendly navigation, making it accessible even for non-tech savvy users. It offers a comprehensive view of all organizational elements at a glance. It also provides real-time updates about ongoing activities, members' statuses, upcoming events etc., helping you stay updated about your organization's happenings. As a customizable tool, hitobito allows its users to tailor the software according to their specific needs making it an extremely flexible solution for managing group hierarchies.

With 308 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-27 the project looks healthy.