**Notes'n'Todos** is an easy-to-use online platform that enables users to create notes and manage their tasks efficiently. It is designed for those who prefer a clean and straightforward approach to jotting down ideas or planning their daily activities.
One of the key features of Notes'n'Todos is its markdown functionality, which makes writing and formatting your notes a breeze. With this feature, you can easily format your text with headings, bold, italics, links, images, etc., without needing any coding knowledge.
Another essential feature is its tagging system. It allows you to categorize your notes and tasks into various tags for easy searching and organization. For instance, if you have a note about ideas for a future project or a task related to work, just tag them appropriately so you can easily find them later on.
Lastly, but not least important is the date sorting feature that helps you organize your tasks based on their due dates or create dates. This feature ensures that you never miss out on any deadline as it keeps all your pending tasks in check effectively.