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Paaster is a user-friendly pastebin solution that puts security at the forefront. It's built around the principle of simplicity to ensure an effortless user experience while maintaining robust data protection through end-to-end encryption.

Paaster is a end-to-end encrypted pastebin what respects your privacy.


The standout feature of Paaster is its end-to-end encryption, which ensures that your data remains secure from prying eyes. This security feature is enabled by default, meaning you can be confident that your sensitive information remains confidential whenever it's uploaded to the pastebin.

Despite its powerful encryption capabilities, Paaster maintains a straightforward design and easy-to-use interface. Its primary objective is to provide users with a simple yet secure platform for sharing code snippets or text information online. With Paaster, you can enjoy the convenience of an easy-to-use pastebin without compromising on security.

With 348 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-31 the project looks healthy.