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Introducing Tipi, a comprehensive solution for managing your home server. This unique application brings together the numerous aspects of home server maintenance under one accessible and user-friendly environment.

Runtipi - Homeserver management made easy
Free and open-source, Runtipi lets you install all your favorite self-hosted apps without the hassle of configuring and managing each service. One-click installs and updates for more than 80 popular apps.


With the primary aim of streamlining operations, Tipi provides an array of robust features. It allows you to regulate various home server tasks such as data backup, resource monitoring, and network traffic management. This powerful software ensures that you effectively monitor your systems and swiftly pinpoint potential concerns.

Furthermore, Tipi's intuitive interface ensures that users can effortlessly navigate through different functions. Whether you're a beginner getting acquainted with home servers or an expert aiming to optimize your setup further – Tipi has got you covered. Experience effortless home server management like never before with Tipi.

With 5631 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-18 the project looks healthy.