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Wikmd stands as a contemporary, user-friendly file-based wiki solution that leverages the power of Markdown and Git. It's built to simplify your work process by providing an easy-to-navigate platform for organizing and sharing information.

GitHub - Linbreux/wikmd: A file based wiki that uses markdown
A file based wiki that uses markdown. Contribute to Linbreux/wikmd development by creating an account on GitHub.


Key features of Wikmd include its use of Markdown, a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. This allows users to write content in an easy-to-read and easy-to-write format, which enhances the overall editing experience. With Wikmd, you can now effortlessly manage your content with the simplicity of writing on basic text files.

Furthermore, Wikmd integrates Git version control system which adds another dimension to your workflow. With this feature, you can track changes in any set of files, usually aimed at coordinating work among multiple people. This makes Wikmd not just a simple wiki tool but also a powerful collaborative platform that keeps every team member on the same page.

With 237 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-05-24 the project looks healthy.